Stylistics of the Amateur String Instrumental Ensembles in Modern Ukraine
Natalia Chystiakova

In the paper, the author examines the stylistic peculiarities of amateur string instrumental ensembles in Ukraine on the example of “Expromt” string ensemble, “Crescendo” chamber orchestra (Kharkiv, Ukraine), and “Polyphonya” chamber orchestra (Lviv, Ukraine). Taking a point of departure in the previous definitions of the term “culture”, the author advances the definition of the “amateur string culture”. In the paper, the author uses personal extensive experience as the head of “Expromt” string ensemble and “Crescendo” chamber orchestra, and interviews with colleagues to determine common trends in the repertoire of amateur string ensembles in chamber music, concert music, and plain-air music. The results show that the main genres used by the ensembles are popular classical music, including originals and arrangements, music pieces by the national composers, including both adaptations and original music pieces, as well as remakes and cover versions of the modern popular and rock music. Additionally, the author presents characteristics common to instrumental composition of amateur string ensembles and gives examples of music pieces commonly used by amateur ensembles. The results of the study show that artistic aims of amateur music-making reflect those of academic art but amateur music-making has its own distinct characteristics, which can observed through stylistics.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/ijmpa.v5n2a4