Effects of Peer and Self-Evaluations on Pre-service Teaching Experiences
Sheri L. Neill

The purpose of this study was to compare teaching evaluations from individuals and peers (N=27) enrolled in an elementary music methods class to determine overall teaching effectiveness for 8 teaching sessions at an elementary school, grades K – 2. Several questions were posed: What was the relationship between peer and self-evaluation ratings of overall teaching effectiveness? Did perceptions of teaching effectiveness improve during the 8 lessons? Which teaching behavior had the most improvement according to self and peer evaluations? Students were divided into 8 groups and assigned a specific intact K, 1st or 2nd grade class. Each group was given specific musical objectives to achieve at the end of the 8-week assignment. After each teaching episode, individuals evaluated themselves and their peers. Agreement or disagreements with eight statements were included on the evaluation form concerning specific teaching behaviors: clear instructions, eye contact, children participation, teacher enjoyment, objectives met, classroom control, students on task, and improvement from previous teaching. Analysis revealed peers evaluated individual teaching higher than self. Teaching improvement was rated the highest (3.72 on a 4 point scale) on lesson 7 but lesson 8 was higher (3.67) than the first time this statement was evaluated (3.4). Results also found that eye contact was rated as the best teacher behavior and “students on task” was rated the lowest.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/ijmpa.v4n2a3